; x
Recurrence, Recollection,
Repression, ... > I
What is it? Identification!
call e-mail SMS/IM other nothing
Decision necessary: reacts the user now?
yes yes yes | yes
no Y Y
read it?
anwser? yes
| yes
talk! read!
—> Decision: further action needed? nn 0 END ©
| yes
Decision: need of action now?
perform action: phoning, texting
One of the problems of self-steering processes is that they normally are invisible
to others while taking a lot of time, often due to permanent availability also as
undocumented and therefore unpaid overtime. Gratification for work is won
by achievements and not by invisible self-steering processes. Self-steering
enables workers to achieve (visible) goals and win gratification. When visible
and invisible work processes aren’t balanced any longer a gratification crisis
is impending.” This impending crisis is boosted when velocity, quantity and
complexity of decision making are too big or authority to decide is too little.
Especially management, executives and freelancers are at risk to suffer. It
7 Nick Kratzer — Wolfgang Dunkel — Wolfgang Menz, Raubbau oder Riickzug? Ursachen und
Folgen der “systematischen Uberlastung” in Unternehmen, Supervision. Mensch, Arbeit,
Organisation, 1 (2012) 4-11.