LATVIAN SUPERVISORS’ VALUES The results show that supervisors’ evaluations of the importance and evaluations of attainability differ regarding such values as: relationships with people, financial stability and materially secure life, cognition and discovering the truth, innovation and creativity, self-discovery (metacognition), influence and power. Evaluations of the importance were higher than evaluations of the attainability regarding such values as relationships with people, financial stability and materially secure life, cognition and discovering the truth, innovation and creativity, self-discovery. This fact can serve as an indicator / sign of inner conflicts. In its turn, evaluations of attainability were higher than evaluations of the importance regarding influence and power. This difference between evaluations of the attainability and the importance can serve as an indicator / sign of the state of inner / existential vacuum. Analysing the results of this study, it has to be noted that this is a pilot study. The sample size was — only 28 practicing supervisors participated in this pilot research. Another limitation of this research is related to that fact that this study does not cover all possible professional fields in which supervision takes place, for example, career consulting, and others. Thus, in the future it should be necessary to organize a more representative sample of supervisors. At the same time, this study”! can be viewed as a start point of the research of supervision in Latvia and of the construction of the psychological portrait of Latvian supervisors what is essential to encourage a collective formation of the professional identity of a supervisor and advance the quality of supervision services. BIBLIOGRAPHY AGELLI, E. — KENNERGREN, B. — SEVERINSSON, E. — BERTHOLD, H., Ethical dimensions of supervision: The supervisors’ experiences, Nursing Ethics, 7 (4) (2000) 350-359. ?! To be complete: this study has been supported by the National Research program 5.2. “Economic transformation, smart growth, governance and legal framework for a sustainable development of the state and society — a new approach to creating a sustainable knowledgeable society (EKOSOC-LV)” + 79 +