OCR Output


existence (important purpose)‘, as ideals, highest principles and criteria", they
are connected with the realization of purpose. Values are the main concepts
that unfold in their subjective sense, identity, life style etc.°, they characterize
communication, cooperation with others, priorities when faced with a decision
making situation, allowing to separate the essential from the non essential
and choose a defined purpose and behavioural model’. Different values have
different importance for individuals, which can thus help understand and
explain their attitude and behaviour®.

An important factor that affects ones professional activity is the content of
the specialists’ personal values.” Members of one profession tend to have values
and attitudes in common, differentiate from other profession members, On
the one hand values affect the choice of profession, on the other — values are
acquired during the process of the development of professional competencies
and change with the impressions gained from different occurrences and
experience.’°. This has been confirmed by studies that have been dedicated
to determine the values connected with the results of professional activity"
and for the research of the instrumental values of different professional group

4M. Rokeach, The role of values in public opinion research, The Public Opinion Quarterly, 32

(4) (1968) 547-559.

J. Rozenblats, Profesionalo vertibu veidosanäs audzeknu un skolotäju pedagogiskaja
mijiedarbiba Tehniskaja gimnazija. Promocijas darbs, Riga, Latvijas Universitate, 1998. // J.
Rozenblats, The development of professional values within the pedagogic interaction between
pupils and teachers in the Technical gymnasium. Promotion thesis, Riga, University of Latvia,

I. Briska, Toposo skolotaju profesiondlo vertibu veidosanas mäkslinieciski radosa darbiba.
Promocijas darbs, Riga, Latvijas Universitate, 2011. // I. Briska, The development of professional
values of teachers to-be within an artistically creative activity. Promotion thesis, Riga, Uni¬
versity of Latvia, 2011.

S. Austruma, Jauniesu vértibas patérétajsabiedriba Latvija. Promocijas darbs, Rézekne,
Rözeknes Augstskola, 2012. // S. Austruma, Values of young adults in a consumer society in
Latvi. Promotion thesis, Rezekne, Rezekne Higher Education Institution, 2012.

Rokeach, The role of values in public opinion research.

H.-H. D. Nguyen — N. T. Nguyen, Examining personal values and entrepreneurial motives
of Vietnamese entrepreneurs in the 21st century: Two empirical studies, African and Asian
Studies, 7 (2/3) (2008) 141-171.; H. Kaya - N. Kaya - E. Senyuva- B. Isık, Personal values of
baccalaureate nursing students in Turkey, International Journal of Nursing Practice, 18 (2012)

M. W. Kramer, Organizational Socialization, Cambridge, Polity Press, 2010.

POCCHÜCKUX AOIIKOABHBIX IIEAATOTOB, IlcuxoAornyeckaa Hayka n 06pasoBaune, 2 (2012)
38-47. // O. Chernova, American and Russian pre-school teacher professional activity goals
and values, Psychology science and education, 2 (2012) 38-47.

2 1. Snellman - K. Gedda, The value ground of nursing, Nurs Ethics, 19 (6) (2012) 714-726.; A.

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