OCR Output


quality of professional work. For a long time, supervisors were seen by the state
as typically lacking in coordination and suffering form an unclear attitude
towards professionalisation. For example, by making supervision obligatory for
all social workers, but not defining the educational frame of supervision and not
setting standards for work quality; by stating this in many political planning
documents but not issuing any financing for it. Supervision was segmented in
many professional associations, giving interpretation of the various concepts
of supervision, organization, and defining necessary competencies for the
practicing supervivors.

Approximately four years ago, thanks to the activities of supervisors who
were trained in cooperation with foreign colleagues, work was started in Latvia
towards regulating supervision: rallying supervisors, putting the system of
education and further education in order, defining professional standards,
creating a professional masters study program “Supervision” at the Riga
Stradins University. Furthermore the “Latvian Supervisor union” has begun
certifying supervisors’. At time being supervision has many faces: for instances
in practicing supervision. The supervision education and experience, as well as
understanding of the standards of professional activity significantly differs, so
the matter of supervisor professional qualities, including values is very topical*.


Values are to be understood as an individual’s belief which is determined by
a personally or socially more acceptable specific type of action and state of

? K. Mapruncone — VM. A. Muxamaop — C. MuxaúaoBa, Dranbı pasBuTna 06pasoBaHua

cynepBn30poB B AaTBuu. Pa3sBumue couuadAbHO-ycmouu4Uusoll UHHOBAYUOHHOU cpedvi
HenpepwlBHO20 Nedazo2u4ecKoz20 OOpa3z0BaHUA: CbopHUuK Mamepuaros MemodyHapoonou
Hay4Ho-npakmuueckoü Kongdepernyuu. T.l. AbakaH: Xakaccknli TrocyAapcTBeHHbIM
yHNBepcuTert um. H.®. Karanosa, 2013, 130-134. // K. Märtinsone - I.J. Mihailovs - S.
Mihailova, The stages of supervisor education development in Latvia, The development of a
socially sustainable innovative environment within the lifelong education of pedagogy: Interna¬
tional scientifically-practical conference material collection, Volume 1, Abakana, Khakassian
State University named after N. F. Katanov, 2013, 130-134.

K. Martinsone — I. J. Mihailovs — S. Mihailova, Supervizija makslu terapijas izglitibas un
pakalpojumu attistibai Latvija, Makslu terapija dazadam klientu/pacientu grupam, Riga,
RSU, 2014, 87-93. // K. Martinsone — I. J. Mihailovs — S. Mihailova,, Supervision for the
development of arts therapy education and services in Latvia, Arts therapy for different client/
patient groups, Riga, RSU, 2014, 87-93.

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