OCR Output




How important research on supervision and coaching is, hardly needs
explanation. Allover Europe, supervisors and coaches - as well as their clients
and constituents — feel the need to strengthen the evidence base of their trade,
and so to enhance its credibility, reliability and legitimacy. And not to forget:
to raise the quality of our practice.

To meet this need ANSE in cooperation with KRE, Budapest, MSZCT,
and DGSv, organized the highly successful 1% ANSE Research Conference on
Supervision and Coaching “Inspire and be inspired”. Ihe event took place in
Budapest, Hungary, hosted by KRE Faculty of Humanities, 24-25. April, 2015.

The most important aim of the Conference was to offer researchers, scholars
and practitioners a platform to meet, be informed about and discuss past,
current and future research on supervision and coaching in Europe.

Contributors and participants arrived from 14 countries. During the two
days of the Conference 22 contributors presented the results of their most
relevant research projects. Participants found the event a great opportunity
to get to know each other’s recent work and to establish new international

Based on the great variety of conference presentations, ANSE in cooperation
with Károli Gáspár University decided to publish this book to present a sample
of research on supervision and coaching.

The question might justly being raised: Are not there enough books on
supervision and coaching?

We think not, and are on the contrary convinced that with this book we fill
a gap on the European supervision and coaching market. Research serves as
critical (self-) reflection, initiates innovative practice and changes for the better.

During the Conference, we stated and restated that the European research

1 See: Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha - an Indian Poem, New York, Simon & Schuster, 2008/1913.