OCR Output


Kamila Baraniecka-Olszewska


Agnew V. 2007. History s Affective Turn: Historical Reenactment and Its Work in the Present. Rethinking
History, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 299-312.

Barthes R. 1981. Camera Lucida. Reflections on Photography. New York: Hill and Wang.

Berger J. 1980. Understanding a Photograph. In: A. Trachtenberg (ed.), Classic Essays in Photography. New
Haven: Leete Island Books, pp. 291-294.

Berger J. 1999. O patrzeniu (‘About Looking’). Warszawa: Fundacja Aletheia.

Bojarska K. 2013. Zawieszenie (w) historii (‘Supension in/of History’). Widok. Teorie i Praktyki Kultury
Wizualnej, vol. 2, pp. 1-13.

Butler J. 2005. Photography, War, Outrage. Publications of the Modern Language Association, vol. 120,
no. 3, pp. 822-827.

Carnegie E. & McCabe S. 2008. Re-enactment Events and Tourism: Meaning, Authenticity and Identity.
Current Issues in Tourism, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 349-368.

Cook A. 2004. The Use and Abuse of Historical Reenactment: Thoughts on Recent Trends in Public
History. Criticism, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 487-496.

Crang M. 1996. Living History: Magic Kingdoms or a Quixotic Quest for Authenticity? Annals of Tourism
Research, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 415-431.

Daugbjerg M. 2014. Patchworking the Past: Materiality, Touch and the Assembling of “Experience”
in American Civil War Re-enactment. International Journal of Heritage Studies, vol. 20, no. 7-8,
pp. 724-741.

Decker S.K. 2010. Being Period: An Examination of Bridging Discourse in a Historical Reenactment
Group. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 273-296.

Demski D. 2015. Living Images and Gestures in Wartime: The Other as an Iconoclastic Figure.
In: D. Demski, L. Laineste & K. Baraniecka-Olszewska (eds.), War Matters. Constructing Images
of the Other (1930s to 1950s). Budapest: L'Harmattan, pp. 52-83.

Domañska E. 2005. Mikrohistorie: spotkania w migdzyswiatach (‘Microhistories. Encounters Between
Worlds). Poznañ: Wydawnictwa Poznañskie.

Gapps S. 2009. Mobile Monuments: A View of Historical Reenactment and Authenticity from Inside the
Costume Cupboard of History. Rethinking History, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 395-409.

Greene M. 1994. Postmodernism and the Crisis of Representation. English Education, vol. 26, no. 4,
pp. 206-219.

de Groot J. 2008. Consuming History: Historians and Heritage in Contemporary Popular Culture. London &
New York: Routledge.

Handler R. & Saxton W. 1988. Dyssimulation: Reflexivity, Narrative, and the Quest for Authenticity in
“Living History”. Cultural Anthropology, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 242-260.

Jay M. 2011. Fotografia i wydarzenie (‘Photography and Event’). Teksty Drugie, no. 5, pp. 161-182.

Johnson K. 2015, Performing Pasts for Present Purposes: Reenactment as Embodied, Performative
History. In: D. Dean, Y. Meerzon & K. Prince (eds.), History, Memory, Performance. Basing¬
stoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 36-52.

Kwiatkowski PT. 2008. Pamieé zbiorowa spoleczenstwa polskiego w okresie transformacji (‘Collective

Memory of Polish Society in the Time of Transformation’). Warszawa: Scholar.