OCR Output

Representations of the Medieval Past in Socialist Bulgaria

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HPB w uerosure IMDPOŐACMATIHUHH AATEpHAaTHBI ( Socialist Realism in the Literature and Culture of
Peoples Republic of Bulgaria and Its Problematic Alternatives’). In: 1. 3xenoackn (cscr.) Hemopua
na Hapodua peny6auxa Benzapua. Pesxcumem u o6wecmeomo (‘History of the People’s Republic of
Bulgaria. Regime and Society’). Mucrutyt 3a w3cAeaBaHe Ha OAU3KOTO MuHaAo. Cocbus: Cea,
pp- 568-594.

Elenkov I. 2008 = Eaenxos V1. 2008. Kyamypnuam fponm. Boneapckama kyamypa npes enoxama na
(‘The Cultural Front. Bulgarian Culture in the Communist Era—Political Governance, Ideological
Grounds, Institutional Solutions”). Codus: Cuena.

Elenkov I. 2009a = Eaenxog I. 2009. Kyaryprara noAuTHka rrpe3 BPEMETO Ha KOMYHU3Ma—HapTHHO
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Time—Party Leadership, Ideology, Institutional Regimes). In: M. 3xenoackn (cecr.), Hemopua
na Hapodua peny6auxa Benzapua. Pesxcumem u o6wecmeomo (‘History of the People’s Republic of
Bulgaria. Regime and Society’). Mucrutyt 3a w3cAeaBaHe Ha OAU3KOTO MuHaAo. Cocbus: Cea,
pp. 533-567.

Elenkov I. 2009b = Eacuxos M1. 2009b. Mcropuueckara Haya B Bparapua pes eoxata Ha KOMYHH3Ma:
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Era: Institutional Organization and Functions). In: H. 3uemoAcku (cscr.), Hcmopua na Hapodna
penyOnuxa Berzapua. Pexcumem u o6wecmeomo (‘History of the Peoples Republic of Bulgaria.
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toriography and Literature. About the Social Construction of Historical Concepts and Grand Nar¬
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