OCR Output

The Faces of the Enemy in the Two World Wars

distant—enemy and his goals are evil. The caricaturists employed various methods
to show the evilness and to degrade the enemy: leading politicians appeared as
weak and bloodthirsty, as injured animals or mythical figures, and in these myths
and tales they are the negative characters. The enemy soldiers were represented as
cruel and whole nations as uncivilised barbarians.

In contrast, depiction of the self had opposite features: allied soldiers and those
associated with them are good-hearted and brave, the leaders behave heroic, and
the hinterland is strong and civilised. The way of representation modified from the
period of WWI to the epoch of WWII to some extent, but the message remained
the same. Because of the repetitive and generalising character of propaganda images
some aspects of these caricatures might have influenced thinking about enemy
nations or politicians.


The research was funded by Közigazgatäsies Igazsägügyi Hivatal, Balassi Institute
(materials of WWI) and by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, OTKA, grant
PD 109069.


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