OCR Output

226 | Digitális média és történetmesélés a felsőoktatásban

Mesterséges intelligencia által készített kreatív produktumok

Blogbejegyzések: https://news.ycombinator.com/submitted?id=adolos
Euroviziös dal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MKAf6YX_7M
Receptek: https://soullessfood.com/

Oral history és digitélistôrténet-gyüjtemények

BBC Capturing Wales. https://www.bbc.co.uk/wales/audiovideo/sites/galleries/

BBC Video Nation. https://www.bbc.co.uk/videonation/archive/

Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling. https://storytelling.concordia.ca/

Museu da Pessoa. https://museudapessoa.org/

Oral History Association. https://www.oralhistory.org/centers-and-collections/

Oral History in the Digital Age. http://ohda.matrix.msu.edu/

Oral History. British Library. https://www.bl.uk/subjects/oral-history

Patient Voices. http://www.patientvoices.org.uk/

Silent Spreaks. StoryCenter. https://www.storycenter.org/silence-speaks

The Humans of New York. https://www.humansofnewyork.com/

UK Web Archive. https://www.webarchive.org.uk/en/ukwa/collection


Atwood, M. (1985). The Handmaid’s Tale. McClelland and Stewart.

Atwood, M. (2019). The Testaments. McClelland and Stewart.

Austen, J. (1813). Pride and Prejudice. T. Egerton, Whitehall.

Gardonyi, G. (1901). Egri csillagok. Budapest: Légrady Testvérek.

Proust, M. (1913). A la recherche du temps perdu. Bernard Grasset & Gallimard.
Tolkien, J. R. R. (1937). The Hobbit. Allen & Unwin.

Tolkien, J. R. R. (1955). The Lord of the Rings. Allen & Unwin.


Abrams, J, Lieber, J., & Lindelof. D. (2004-2010). Lost. ABC.
Dickens, M. (2016). Thirteen. BBC 2.

Fejér, T. (1963-1964). A Tenkes kapitanya. Magyar Televizio.
Gilligan, V. (2008-2013). Totdl szivds (Breaking Bad) AMC.
Gilligan, V. (2015-2022). Better Call Saul. AMC.

Joy, L., & Nolan, J. (2016-). Westworld. HBO.

Laszl6, E., & Bozé, L. (1969-2007). A Szabó család. Kossuth Rádió.