OCR Output

Irodalomjegyzék ] 221

Yilmaz, R. M., & Goktas, Y. (2017). Using augmented reality technology in storytelling
activities: examining elementary students’ narrative skill and creativity. Virtual
Reality. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10055-016-0300-1

Ying, K. T., Sah, S. B. M., & Abdullah, M. H. L. (2016). Personalised avatar on
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children with autism spectrum disorder. 2016 4th International Conference
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Young, R. M. (2018). Science Considered Helpful. In Rebecca Rouse, Hartmut
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Yuksel, P., Robin, B. R., & McNeil, S. (2010). Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling
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Yussof, R. L., Abas, H., & Paris, T. N. S. T. (2012). Affective Engineering of Background
Colour in Digital Storytelling for Remedial Students. Procedia - Social and
Behavioral Sciences, 68, 202-212. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.12.220