OCR Output

182 | Digital Media and Storytelling in Higher Education

information society (med): a term used in contemporary society to describe
the social, cultural and economic importance of information and the tools
and media associated with its production, processing and dissemination

infotainment (med): a term deriving from the fusion of the words information
and entertainment, which in modern mass media refers to tabloidized,
entertaining information

integrated learning environment (ped): synonym for blended learning;
face-to-face learning and teaching supported by digital technology

interactive interface (inf): synonym for responsive interface; allows the
user to intervene in the narrative using an external device (typically a
controller, smartphone, or remote control); typical of Web 2.0 platforms,
video games and interactive television

interactor (inf, med, narr): a 21"-century recipient, viewer or reader who
establishes an active dialogue with the text and can manipulate its narrative
arc and content through his or her activities (see also emergent narrative)

interface (inf, med): the medium between a content delivery system and a
human, such as a book, smartphone, or computer screen

linear narrative (film): a plot structure that unfolds linearly in time

LMS (inf, ped): learning management system

luddites: English anti-machine movement in the 19th century

manga (med): a Japanese comic book

manhwa (med): a south Korean comic strip

mashup (med): an edit of small parts of several films into a new scene

media convergence (med): the interconnected info-communications
environment of traditional and new media

meme (med): an image-based micro-narrative of cultural codes that circulates
on social media platforms

memoriter (ped): a text to be memorized word-for-word and then reproduced

micronarrative (med): compressed visual, verbal or audiovisual content,
such as a meme

mimetic (psych): based on imitation

MOOC (inf, ped): abbreviation for Massive Open Online Course; an open,
online form of education for large numbers of students

multitasking (psych): carrying out several activities at the same time

narration (lit, film, narr): narrative process and representation

narrative (lit, film, narr): a paradigm of thought, interpretation; structuring
of signs in a narrative way; verbal, kinetic, pictorial or audiovisual

narrative economics: analysis of macroeconomic processes through
dominant social narratives

narrative transportation (lit): the level of experience at which the narrative
engages the recipient, who feels that they are part of the story (see also