OCR Output

178 | Digital Media and Storytelling in Higher Education

expressive, self-identical films through a digital medium. Through group
work, a sense of belonging and group identity was strengthened. At the
same time, by presenting their own lives, the students were able to directly
articulate problems that would have been difficult to bring to the surface due
to their minority status. Digital stories, the researchers argued, provide an
opportunity for interaction between the helper and the person in need, which
also contributes considerably to effective and rapid intervention (Cushing
& Love, 2013).

The main benefit of DST in this sector is that it connects theoretical
knowledge with real-life experiences and the experience of patient interaction
(Price et al., 2015; Haigh, 2017).

The Silence Speaks program, launched by StoryCenter in 2002, publishes
digital stories on gender, public health, and human rights and disseminates
the training materials produced for them. The Silence Speaks program aims
to bring invisible stories to the surface, particularly to decision-makers and
the public (Hill, 2008). The work of Silence Speaks groups is often linked to
narrative therapy or art therapy. In most cases, the author publishes his or her
video online, and these thematic collections are often included in discussion
forums and conferences to encourage social action.

DST in healthcare education confronts students with the experiences
of patients while also providing an opportunity for students to engage in
professional discourse, thus developing their critical thinking and professional
self-reflection. DST can also serve as a means of supervision and burnout
prevention for caregivers.