OCR Output

X. Glossary of terms | 175

Stratocoenosis — a coenosis of animals that only occur at a certain level (stra¬
tum) of a plant association (e.g. only living on roots) (Tischler)

Stratum - “layer”; a vertical division of the biotope (Tischler 1947, 1950),
equivalent ofa bioroph (Thalenhorst 1950, 1951)

Supersocion - an animal associational category above the presocium, and
the presumed limit of animal communities that unites food chains with
energy sources of a whole biotope

Sustinent - (sustaining) structural element of a biocoenosis; plants or ani¬
mals that underpin the survival of others as symbionts or reproductive
agents (e.g. pollinators)

Synbiology - study of biology at the level above populations

Synchorology - the study of distribution of plant communities, phytosoci¬
ological zones, vegetation and geographical complexes

Synchronology - the study of changes in associations through time

Synecology - the study of ecology at the level of the associations/communi¬
ty, ie. above populations

Syngenetics - field of research in plant sociology and zoocoenology that ex¬
amines developmental history of associations

Synmorphology - field of research in plant sociology and zoocoenology that
examines structure, composition and organisation of associations

Synphysiology - study of metabolic processes of plant species and commu¬
nities in competition

Syntaxonomy - system of associated categories of vegetation units of a given
area as understood by phytosociologists

Syntrophium - equivalent of a guild. Organisms with similar feeding habits
in a specific habitat.

Synusium - a structural unit of a major plant ecological community charac¬
terized by relative uniformity of life-form or of height. Used by Balogh
for animal associations of a bioroph

Syrmatophagous - feeding on dry plant material

Technocoenosis — an association created by humans

Terriherbosa — sub-division of Rtibel’s (1930) plant formation types; herbo¬
sa (herbaceous formations)

Tocogenetic - of or concerning the relationships between individuals in a
species to describe the ancestor-descendant relationship, as from mother
to daughter across generations (Hennig 1950)

Transformatum — biomass produced from inorganic components (i.e. trans¬
formed from those) Also termed ‘assimilatun’

Tychcoen - sub-categorisation (of eucoen) of animal associations sharing
the same space (Tischler 1947, 1950))

Valence - valency; tolerance limits

Vicini - (= neighbours) from Tischler’s (1947, 1950) classification; a sub¬
group of peregrinant organisms in a spatially delimited zoocoenosis
arriving from neighbouring locations (see alieni)