Out of the 24 of the most important or the most exciting parts of the drama
lessons 17 were improvisations, this is 7196 of responses. Ihe high ratio
shows that participants experienced improvisation and being in situations as
the defining components of these lessons. I will look at some of the moments
mentioned above to examine the acting behaviour of the participants.
For the third lesson of The Tribe the participants were offered a new role
of extremely talented American high school students who won the possibility
of a vacation on the island which used to belong to the tribe but had become
a tourist resort. The group improvisation, referred to as ‘meeting by the rock’
in the chart, was a secret meeting with a youth from the tribe who asked them
to help in getting the truth about the island out by taking a notebook back
with them to America. The story continued with a pair improvisation where
one of the American students, Bath, was interrogated by their adult team
leader, a role played by me. These are the two situations that were marked as
the most important and exciting by participants in the questionnaire.
According to the teachers"?! the boy who was being interrogated in the role
of Bath had a very disturbed life in which he faces similar situations of
interrogation, they thought he was using his everyday skills to get through
such situations. Ihe participant said the following about the situation when
I asked him privately what it was like for him:
P: It was very good to play it. I would do it again.
T: What was this situation about?
P: Ihey were interrogating me. When they interrogate
me I usually giggle.
T: There were long silences. What were you thinking
P: I was trying to distract you, so you dont realise that
I know something.
T: Can you compare how you felt in this situation to
something. Have you felt like this before, in any other
situation? d
P: When I did something naughty with my brother and Participant after
my grandma asked us. We said it wasnt us. improvisation
The situation was clearly tense, this became clearly visible from how the boy
let go and relaxed when the situation ended, as can be seen from his posture
on the screenshot." It is interesting that the participant said he was trying