OCR Output



I started this research primarily to develop myself as a drama teacher.
The direction of this development was based partly on my own experiences
described in the introduction, and partly on the writings of specialists.
I conducted a thorough review of literature and analysed practices in the two
fields I want to bring together in my drama lessons: the living through
approach focussing on ‘being’, experiencing and reacting to unfolding
crises within the drama; and the theory and practice of Edward Bond, with
special focus on creating Drama Events, moments that allow audiences to
see the fabricated nature of reality and make meaning of the events in focus
independently. The drama approach developed in this research offers new
perspectives for the wider field of drama education.

This chapter presents the particulars of the empirical research conducted
to explore if Drama Events (DEs) can be created in Living Through Drama
(LTD). After a short survey of different research approaches investigating
drama in education I discuss the reasons behind choosing action research
as the appropriate framework for this study. I then present the research
question and the sub-questions that are at the centre of this exploration.
The research design, the logistics of the research and the data collection tools
and methods follow. The description of the mode of data analysis is followed
by the discussion of ethical issues. The chapter concludes with a reflection on
the research methodology.


There are several directions of research within the drama in education. The aim
of developing my own practice and the exploratory nature of my research
made action research the most suitable approach for my study. However,
before discussing the details of my enquiry I present different research
approaches and methodologies that are used in the field. The methodologies
discussed are the context I realise my research in, they were the reference
points in my choice of a research approach.

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