OCR Output

b) small chain worn in honour of the Virgin Mother

c) scapular
d) arrow-heads

20. Ring
a) any kind of ring
b) wedding ring
21. Cane
a) canes on the Day of the Holy Innocents (December 289)
22. Flag, gun
a) (military) flag
b) church flag
c) gunpowder, lead and iron bullets
d) sword
e) general blessing on arms
23. Boats, ships
a) new boat
24. Clothes
a) priests outfit
b) clothes
c) wedding dress
25. Church accessories
a) altar cloth
b) corporal
c) tabernacle, chalice
26. Sculpture, image
a) images of God, Mary and the saints
27. General blessing
a) common blessing on all things
b) blessing on any kind of things
c) blessing all things whether edible or not

IV. Blessings and exorcisms of animals

1. Animals in general and in ill health
a) in general
b) in ill health
c) in the time of plague

2. Livestock
a) draught cattle, horses, oxen, sheep etc.
b) livestock
c) against bewitching the milk or the butter