OCR Output

13. Ashes
a) on ash Wednesday
14. Candles
a) Candlemas on the Feast of the Purification of the Virgin Mary
b) outside of Candlemas
c) in general
d) on the day of St. Blaise (February 3")
e) storm candles in honour of the martyrs St. John and Paul
f) candle to relieve birth pains
g) candles for the dying
15. Cross
a) suitable for carrying
b) large, made of timber
c) cross and images for the stations of the Cross
d) new cross
16. Gold, incense, myrrh, chalk
a) blessing the three precious gifts at Epiphany
b) chalk at Twelfth Day
c) incense (for averting demons)
d) myrrh (for averting demons)
e) gold against jaundice
f) blessing gold, incense and myrrh against incubus and succubus de¬
g) censer
17. Sulphur, camphor
a) sulphur
b) camphor
18. Religious amulets
a) rosary
b) small cross attached to the rosary
c) metals and coins also attached to the rosary
d) rosary or coin with indulgence signs
e) St. John’s gospels
f) the holy name of Jesus Christ attached to the wafer
g) letters protecting against the plague
h) cards and letters to expel demons
i) “Breverl”-prayers
j) coin and cross of St. Benedict
19. Emblems of societies, lay orders, votive symbols

a) cord