OCR Output

3. Wine
a) on the day of St. John the evangelist (December 27")
b) St. John’s wine at weddings
c) for curing the bewitched and the poisoned
4. Oil
a) simple oil
5. Easter foods
a) Easter lamb
b) bacon
) chicken-meat
) bread, sweet loaf
) eggs
f) cheese
6. General blessing on food
a) official
7. Crops and other cultivated plants
a) crops on St. Mark’s day
b) crops on the first Sunday of September
8. Fruit, vine
a) overall blessing on fruits and vine
b) apples on St. Blaise day (February 3") against sore throats
c) new grapes on the Day of the Transfiguration (August 6")


d) new fruit
9. Animal fodder, hey, oats
a) blessing the oats on the day of St. Stephen the martyr (December 26")
b) oats and barley on the day of St. Stephen the martyr
c) flowers and grasses for animals
10. Herbs, grasses, flowers
a) grasses on the day of the Assumption (August 15")
b) rue
c) rue, incense and juniper seeds
d) rue and sage
e) holy thistle (with oil and camphor)
f) lavender, rose, cloves
g) rue, holy thistle, sage
11. Medicaments
a) any type of medicament
12. Blessed willow twig
a) on Palm Sunday