OCR Output



Wolfgang Braungart received his PhD from Braunschweig University in 1986
(Die Kunst der Utopie: Vom Späthumanismus zur frühen Aufklärung, 1989). Cur¬
rently, he is a professor of German Literature Studies and Literary Iheory at
the University of Bielefeld, Germany. His research focuses on the relationship
of literature, fine arts, religion, ritual, and aesthetics. His most important
works are Literatur und Religion in der Moderne: Studien (2016), Ästhetischer
Katholizismus: Stefan Georges Rituale der Literatur (1997) and Ritual und Lite¬
ratur (1996). He was editor ofthe George-Jahrbuch from 1996-2019, and ofthe
three volumes Stefan George und sein Kreis: Ein Handbuch (2015); recently, he
edited Stefan George und die Jugendbewegung (2018), as well as Literatur / Reli¬
gion: Bilanz und Perspektiven eines interdisziplinären Forschungsgebietes (2019).
Homepage: https://www.uni-bielefeld.de/lili/personen/braungart/

Johanna Domokos is a comparative literary scholar of indigenous cultures
and minority literatures with expertise in Scandinavian and Central Euro¬
pean areas (esp. Sämi, Finnish, German, and Hungarian). After her studies
in Altaistics, Finno-Ugristics (University of Szeged), Hungarian and English
Studies (University of Cluj), and Semiotics (TU Berlin), she wrote her PhD
(1999, University of Szeged) and Venia Legendi (2011, Eötvös Loränd Univer¬
sity, Budapest) on the translatability and multicultural dynamism of SAmi cul¬
ture. She is the author of four monographs related to Sami literature and has
edited more than twenty books. Her latest monography is entitled Endangered
Literature, including essays on literary interculturalism, translingualism, and
vulnerability. After teaching at various universities around the world (e.g., Uni¬
versity of Berlin, UCLA, Bielefeld University), she is currently affiliated with
the Károli Gáspár University of the Hungarian Reformed Church in Budapest.
She also coordinates Gruppe Bie Translation and Book Production Laboratory
at Bielefeld University.

Saskia Fischer, Academic Coordinator at the Center for Interdisciplinary Re¬
search at Bielefeld University, wrote her PhD dissertation on ritual and ritu¬
ality in German drama after 1945 (Saskia Fischer: Ritual und Ritualitat im
Drama nach 1945 — Brecht, Frisch, Dürrenmatt, Sachs, Weiss, Hochhuth, Handke,

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