ANNA LENZ a multi-discursive stage, that interweaves religious and fundamental debates with guestions of American politics such as gun control and the so-called "Alt Right." Just when the word “Jesus” is projected to the back of the stage, the gunshots commence, and the music diffuses more and more into “just noise.” In the end, there are three distinguishable voices left and bells ringing in the distance, as if the service were now to start. One voice is the re-read of a 2017 CBN report (The Christian Broadcasting Network) on the Trump administration’s take on the “War on Terror” (“to the shores of Africa to Asia to here at home, a new study shows the U.S. has already spent nearly five trillion dollars trying to defeat terrorism’”).** It is not read by the original news reporter but by an actor, who seems to try to mimic Trump’s tone of voice. This Trump impersonator is then overtaken by Richard Spencer, who, when Trump got elected in 2016, urged people to “party like it’s 1933.”?? He addresses the supposed authority of the white race, all while more and more crosses are carried on stage: To be white is to be a striver, a crusader, an explorer, and a conqueror. We build, we produce, we go upward ... For us, it is conquer or die. This is a unique burden for the white man, that our fate is entirely in our hands. And it is appropriate because within us, within the very blood in our veins as children of the sun, lies the potential for greatness.*° The church here is not one of sanctuary but a frightening, dark one, a masked one, a church that has silenced the subject looking for a system that can help them interpret the world. Instead, it climaxes with a final call of aggression in the words of Charlton Heston. Heston, an actor and former spokesperson of the NRA, had become renowned for his phrase “from my cold, dead hands” after Michael Moore’s “Bowling for Columbine.”” He had, after the Columbine Massacre of 2000, threatened the democratic presidential nominee Al Gore by saying that he would let him take his guns only after his demise. The sacral 38 George Thomas: Get Ready for Trump’s War on Terror, Radical Islam, CBN News, July 2, 2017, https://wwwl.cbn.com/cbnnews/2017/january/get-ready-for-trumps-war-on-terror-radicalislam, accessed 28 August, 2020. ® John Woodrow Cox: ‘Let’s party like it’s 1933’: Inside the alt-right world of Richard Spencer, The Washington Post, November 22, 2016, https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/lets-partylike-its-1933-inside-the-disturbing-alt-right-world-of-richard-spencer/2016/11/22/cf81dc74aff7-11e6-840f-e3ebab6bcdd3_story.html, accessed 28 August, 2020. 40 Graeme Wood: His Kampf. Richard Spencer is a troll and an icon for white supremacists. He was also my high school classmate. The Atlantic, June 2017, https://www.theatlantic.com/ magazine/archive/2017/06/his-kampf/524505/, accessed 28 August, 2020. * James Dao: N.R.A. leaders cast Gore as Archenemy, The New York Times, May 21, 2000, https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/library/national/052100nra-gore.html, accessed 28 August, 2020. ® Michael Moore (dir.): Bowling for Columbine, Los Angeles, MGM, 2002. + 202 +