OCR Output


BRAUNGART, Wolfgang: Literatur und Religion in der Moderne: Studien,
Paderborn, Fink, 2016.

BRAUNGART, Wolfgang: Ritual, in D. Weidner (ed.): Handbuch Literatur und
Religion, Stuttgart, Metzler, 2016.

FISCHER, Saskia: Ritual und Ritualität im Drama nach 1945: Brecht, Frisch,
Dürrenmatt, Sachs, Weiss, Hochhuth, Handke, Paderborn, Fink, 2019.

FISCHER, Saskia -MAYER, Birgit (eds.): Einführung, in Kunst-Rituale - Ritual¬
Kunst. Zur Ritualität von Theater, Literatur und Musik in der Moderne,
Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2019.

FISCHER-LICHTE, Erika: Das theatralische Opfer: Zum Funktionswandel von
Theater im 20. Jahrhundert, Forum Modernes Theater 13.1 (1998), 42-57.
GIRARD, Rene: Violence and the Sacred, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University

Press, 1977 [La Violence et le Sacre, Paris, Grasset, 1972].

HAGENS, Jan L.: Text and Presentation: How Do They Relate?, Text and
Presentation XIX (1998).

HAGENS, Jan L.: Forging a Link between Stage and World: The Genre of
Director’s Drama, in Hellmut Hal Rennert (ed.): Essays on Twentieth-Century
German Drama and Theater: An American Reception (1977-1999), New York,
Lang, 2004.

HARDISON, O.B.: Christian Rite and Christian Drama in the Middle Ages: Essays
in the Origin and Early History of Modern Drama, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins
University Press, 1965.

HAPGOOD, Robert: Shakespeare and the Ritualists, Shakespeare Survey 15
(1962), 111-124.

SCHECHNER, Richard, and Mady Schuman (eds.): Ritual, Play and Performance:
Readings in the Social Sciences/Theatre, New York, Seabury, 1976.

SCHECHNER, Richard: Drama, Script, Iheatre, and Performance, in Essays in
Performance Theory 1970-1976, New York, Drama Book Specialists, 1977.

SCHECHNER, Richard: From Ritual to Iheatre and Back: The Structure/Process
of the Efficacy-Entertainment Dyad (1974-1976), in Essays on Performance
Theory 1970-1976, New York, Drama Book Specialists, 1977.

STROuP, Thomas B.: Ritual and Ceremony in the Drama, Comparative Drama
11.2 (1977), 139-146.

TURNER, Victor: The Ritual Process, Chicago, Aldine, 1969.

TURNER, Victor: Frame, Flow and Reflection: Ritual and Drama as Public
Liminality, Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 6 (1979), 465-499.

TURNER, Victor: Dramatic Ritual/Ritual Drama: Performative and Reflexive
Anthropology, Kenyon Review 1.3 (1979), 80-93.

TURNER, Victor: Liminal to Liminoid, in Play, Flow, and Ritual: An Essay in
Comparative Symbology, From Ritual to Theatre: The Human Seriousness of
Play, New York, Performing Arts Journal Publications, 1982.

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