Norbert Merkovity
is an Associate Professor at the Department of Political Sciences of the
University of Szeged, and at the National University of Public Service in
Budapest, Hungary. He holds a Master's degree in Communication and Media
Studies, as well as a PhD and a habilitation in Law and in Political Sciences. He
has been the leader of several research projects, including projects funded by
the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, and has also participated in various
international projects in the framework of the COST Action and Horizon
2020 programmes, or the Jean Monnet Network. His main areas of research
include political communication and attention-based politics. His latest book
Attention-Based Politics in the Era of Social Media (A figyelemalapu politika
a közösségi média korában) was published in 2018.
Zsolt Nagy
graduated in History and in Political Science from Eötvös Loránd University
in Budapest, Hungary. He had been a civil servant at the Hungarian Ministry
of Defence in various positions for almost two decades before he joined the
European Defence Agency in Brussels, Belgium, where he currently works
as a Policy Officer. His main areas of expertise are European defence policy
and international military operations. He regularly contributes to different
studies and journal articles, and gives lecture on these matters.
Büsra Özyüksel
graduated from the Department of International Relations of Gazi University
in Ankara, Turkey. She obtained her Masters degree from the European
Studies Sub-Department of International Relations at the University of Pécs
in Hungary. She started her doctoral studies in September 2020 at the Faculty
of Law and Political Sciences of the University of Szeged in Hungary in
the framework of the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship programme.
Her main area of research is political psychology in international relations,
in the context of populism in particular. She is also the European Studies
O-Internship coordinator of the Turkey International Relations Studies
Association (TUIC).
Zoltan Simon
graduated in History and in Law, and holds a PhD in Political Science and a
habilitation from Eötvös Loränd University in Budapest, Hungary. He is an
Honorary Associate Professor and Lecturer at the Department of International
Relations and European Studies in the Faculty of Social Sciences of the same
University. He also was an Instructor at Boston University Brussels and at
Eszterházy Károly University in Eger, Hungary, for years. He has been living
in Brussels, Belgium, and working in the European Parliament in the field
of EU external relations since 2005. His main areas of research include the
decision-making and interest representation systems of the European Union,