OCR Output

176 | Zsolt Nagy, Zoltán Simon, Viktor Szép, and Tamás Dezső Ziegler

Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and
the Committee of the Regions. COM(2013) 542 final, 24 July 2013.

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European Council. 2013. Conclusions. EUCO 217/13, 20 December 2013.

European Parliament. 2012. Report on the implementation of the Common Security
and Defence Policy (based on the Annual Report from the Council to the
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European Union. 2016. Shared Vision, Common Action: A Stronger Europe. A Global
Strategy for the European Union's Foreign and Security Policy.

Macron, Emmanuel. 2017. Speech on new initiative for Europe. 26 September 2017,

Michel, Charles. 2020. Lautonomie stratégique européenne est lobjectif de notre
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