OCR Output

172 | Zsolt Nagy, Zoltán Simon, Viktor Szép, and Tamás Dezső Ziegler

Fiott, Daniel ed. 2021a. European Sovereignty. Strategy and independence. Chaillot
Paper 169. Paris: European Union Institute for Security Studies.

Fiott, Daniel. 2021b. Introduction: In search of meaning and action. In European
Sovereignty. Strategy and independence, edited by Daniel Fiott. Chaillot Paper
169. Paris: European Union Institute for Security Studies. 4-6.

Fiott, Daniel. 2021c. Strategic sovereignty. Three Observations about a New and
Contested Term. In European Sovereignty. Strategy and independence, edited
by Daniel Fiott. Chaillot Paper 169. Paris: European Union Institute for Security
Studies. 7-15.

Fiott, Daniel. 2021d. Strategic sovereignty and interdependence. In European
Sovereignty. Strategy and independence, edited by Daniel Fiott. Chaillot Paper
169. Paris: European Union Institute for Security Studies. 38-42.

Fiott, Daniel. 2020. Sovereignty over Supply? The EU’s ability to manage critical
dependences while engaging with the world. Brief. European Union Institute
for Security Studies, December 2020, https://www.iss.europa.eu/content/

Fiott, Daniel. 2018. Strategic autonomy: towards “European sovereignty” in defence?
Brief. European Union Institute for Security Studies, November 2018, https://

Franke, Ulrike, and Tara Varma. 2019. Independence Play: Europe’s Pursuit of
Strategic Autonomy. Flash Scoreboard. European Council on Foreign Relations,
July 2019, https://ecfr.eu/special/independence_play_europes_pursuit_of_

Fürrutter, Martina. 2020. “The Transnationalized Reality of EU Sanctioning: A New
Research Agenda beyond the Study of Effective Economic Sanctions.’ Journal
of European Public Policy 27 (10): 1585-1597.

Giumelli, Francesco, Fabian Hoffmann, and Anna Ksiazczakova. 2021. “The When,
What, Where and Why of European Union Sanctions”. European Security 30
(1): 1-23.

Gould-Davies, Nigel. 2018. Economic Effects and Political Impacts: Assessing
Western Sanctions on Russia. Policy Brief. Bank of Finland, BOFIT Institute for
Economies in Transition, August 2018, https://helda.helsinki.fi/bof/bitstream/

Grevi, Giovanni. 2019. Strategic autonomy for European choices: The key to Europe's
shaping power. Discussion Paper. European Policy Center, July 2019, https://

Hartmann, Francesca. 2021. EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement. Blog. Elcano Royal
Institute, May 2021, https://blog.realinstitutoelcano.org/en/eu-mercosur-free¬

Jarvenpaa, Pauli, Claudia Major, and Sven Sakkov. 2019. European Strategic Autonomy.
Operationalising a Buzzword. Report. International Center for Defence and
Security, October 2019, https://icds.ee/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/ICDS_