OCR Output

148 | Norbert Merkovity and Büsra Özyüksel

parties have a more substantial presence should be more familiar with the
populist rhetoric. The populist messages may trigger widely available schemes
of populist framing among these individuals.


In conclusion, populism has been on the rise across Europe despite consolidated
and strong democracies on the continent. As a distinct communication style,
populism aims to reach out to people. Media is the most significant vehicle
for populist leaders and news about them. The anti-hero nature of populist
politicians resonates with the public. These politicians gain status with
fundamental changes of the media environment and the toolbox of political
communication, as described through the four periods above. Therefore, one
can claim that the relationship between populism and the media points to
much more than the skilful use of this latter by populist actors.

We get a more nuanced perception of political communication in Europe
if we start to examine actors’ communication. Connections are hidden in
the details of the communication process. The advent of social networking
sites has made it possible for politicians to communicate directly to a broader
audience. However, when they do so, they use the codes of other successful
actors, opening the ground for celebrity politicians. The logic in social media
reaffirmed citizens’ need for simplified messages, which, in turn, has opened
up new vistas for populist politics. Therefore, it is likely that populist political
communication may dominate European political discourse in the period
to come.

Key concepts and terms

Celebrity politicians

Media logic



Network logic

Party logic

Periods of political communication
Political culture

Populist political communication