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Demography and migration | 87

and National Politics, edited by Jack A. Goldstone, Eric P. Kaufman, and Monica
Duffy Toft. New York: Oxford University Press, Paradigm Publishers. 31-48.

Harper, Sarah. 2018. Demography. A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: University

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December 2017, https://verfassungsblog.de/taking-the-eu-turkey-deal-to-court

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Laqueur, Walter. 2007. The Last Days of Europe: Epitaph for an Old Continent. New
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Livi-Bacci, Massimo. 2000. The population of Europe. A History. Oxford: Blackwell.

Manz, Stefan. 2004. “Constructing a Normative National Identity: The Leitkultur
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