OCR Output


MAXEFIELD, Molly - PYszczYNsKI, Tom — KLucK, Benjamin — Cox, Cathy R. — GREENBERG,
Jeff— SOLOMON, Sheldon — WEISE, David: Age-Related Differences in Responses to Thoughts
of One’s Own Death: Mortality Salience and Judgments of Moral Transgressions, Psychology
and Aging, vol. 22, 2007/2, 341-351.

PyszCZYNSKI, Tom — GREENBERG, Jeff — SOLOMON, Sheldon: A Dual-Process Model of Defense
Against Conscious and Unconscious Death-Related Thoughts: An Extension of Terror
Management Theory, Psychological Review, vol. 106, 1999/4, 835-845.

PYSZCZYNSKI, Tom — SOLOMON, Sheldon — GREENBERG, Jeff: Thirty Years of Terror Mana¬
gement Theory: From Genesis to Revelation, in Advances in Experimental Social Psychology,
Vol. 52, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Academic Press, 2015, 1-70.

SALZMAN, Michael B.: Globalization, Culture, and Anxiety: Perspectives and Predictions
from Terror Management Theory, Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless, vol. 10,
2001/4, 337-352.

SCHIMEL, Jeff - HAYES Joseph — SHARP Michael: A Consideration of Three Critical Hypotheses,
in Clay Routledge — Matthew Vess (eds.): Handbook of Terror Management Theory, Camb¬
ridge, Massachusetts, Academic Press, 2018, 1-30.

SCHIMEL, Jeff - HAYES, Joseph — WILLIAMS, Todd — JAHRIG, Jesse: Is Death Really the Worm
at the Core? Converging Evidence That Worldview Threat Increases Death-Thought
Accessibility, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, vol. 92, 2007/5, 789-803.

SHELDON, Solomon — THOMPSON, Sharlynn: Secular Cultural Worldviews, in Clay Routledge
— Matthew Vess (eds.): Handbook of Terror Management Theory, Cambridge, Massachusetts,
Academic Press, 2019, 287-302.

SMITH, Anthony D.: National Identity, London, Penguin Books, 1991.

SOLOMON, Sheldon — GREENBERG, Jeff — PyszczyNsk1, Tom: A Terror Management Theory
of Social Behavior: The Psychological Functions of Self-Esteem and Cultural Worldviews,
in Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Vol. 24, Cambridge, Massachusetts,
Academic Press, 1991, 93-159.

THEISS-MorsE, Elizabeth: Who Counts as an American? The Boundaries of National Identity,
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2009.

WeEsB, Eugene: Ernest Becker and the Psychology of Worldviews, Zygon, vol. 33, 2004/1.