FOOD FOR THOUGHT 205 remember where you come from or you dont know where youre going until you know where youve been. How much do we realise what we do or dont know? As the breeze rushes up the street to greet me, I pull my scarf tighter and tug my hat down. One day it will be time to pass this baton on; one day it will be their turn to run the race of internationalised, cooperative education. And long and far may those who take it run. REFERENCES Barak, M., Yuan, S.: “A cultural perspective to project-based learning and the cultivation of innovative thinking.” Thinking Skills and Creativity, Vol. 29. 2020. https://www. sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871187120302406 Biasutti, M, E. R. El-Deghaidy, H.: “Interdisciplinary project-based learning: an online wiki experience in teacher education” Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 24. évf., 2015. 3. sz., 339-355 https://doi.org/10.1080/1475939X.2014.899510 Boyer, E. R.: Scholarship reconsidered. Priorities of the professoriate. The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 1990. DeBoer, H, Enders, J., Schimank, U.: On the Way towards New Public Management. The Governance of University Systems in England, the Netherlands, Austria, and Germany. In Jansen, D. (Ed.) New Forms of Governance in Research Organisations, Dordrecht, Springer, 2007, 137-152. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/225975109_On_the_Way_towards_New_ Public_Management_The_Governance_of_University_Systems_in_England_the_ Netherlands_Austria_and_Germany Halász Gábor: A tanulás minősége a felsőoktatásban: intézményi és nemzeti szintű folyamatok. 2010. http://halaszg.ofi.hu/download/A_study_TANULAS.pdf Harden, R. M., Lilley, P., & Patricio, M.: The definitive guide to the OSCE: the Objective Structured Clinical Examination as a performance assessment. Elsevier, 2016. Harden, R. M., & Lilley, P.: The eight roles of the medical teacher: the purpose and functions of a teacher in the healthcare professions. Elsevier, 2018. Hattie, J.: “The applicability of Visible Learning to higher education.” Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, 1. évf., 2015. 1. sz., 79-91. https://doi.org/10.1037/st10000021 Helle, L., Tynjala, P., & Olkinuora, E.: “Project-based learning in post-secondary education -Iheory, practice and rubber sling shots.” Higher Education, 51. evf., 2006. 2. sz., 287-314. https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10734-004-6386-5 Japiashvili, N., Irfan, F. & Hundermark, C.: A Guide for University Teachers to Enhance the Effectiveness of Group Work. 2021.