Marcus Kracht: Knowledge and Material Culture. How much Knowledge can we Afford? Anikó Daróczi, Enikő Sepsi, Miklós Vassányi (eds.): Initiation into the Mysteries. A Collection of Studies in Religion, Philosophy and the Arts Judit Mudriczki: Shakespeares Art of Poesy in King Lear. An Emblematic Mirror of Governance on the Jacobean Stage Zoltan Literaty: Rhetorical Preaching. Studies in Rhetoric, Homiletics & Preaching Läszlö Tarn6i: Schnittpunkte. Band 1. Literarisches Leben des deutschsprachigen Ungarn um 1800 Anita Räköczy, Mariko Hari Tanaka, Nicholas E. Johnson (eds.): Influencing Beckett / Beckett Influencing Johanna Domokos, Enikö Sepsi (eds.): Poetic Rituality in Theater and Literature Miklós Vassányi, Judit Nagy, Mátyás Bánhegyi, Dóra Bernhardt, Enikő Sepsi (eds.): Minorities in Canada. Intercultural Investigations Anita Czeglédy, József Fülöp, Géza Horváth (Hg.): Inspirationen IV. Klänge Päl Heltai: Hungarian-English Contrastive Linguistic Studies Anita Czegledy, Jözsef Fülöp, Geza Horväth (Hg.): Streben und Dienst 25 Jahre Germanistik an der Karoli Peter Furkö: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Discourse-Pragmatic Variation in English Árpád Kékesi Kun: Ambiguous Topicality. A Philther of State-Socialist Hungarian Theatre Tamás Juhász (ed.): Art in Urban Space. Reflections on City Culture in Europe and North-America Ägota Föris, Andrea Bölcskei (eds.): Linguistic Research in the Fields of Content Development and Documentation Anita Rakéczy: Samuel Beckett’s Endgame and Hungarian Opening Gambits