POSITIVE EDUCATION — THE AXIOM OF CONTEMPORARY UPBRINGING AND EDUCATION secondary schools, 8796 of students feel a relationship with a related person in their life. Willingness to help Help is an activity in which egoism, hostility should be eliminated, while belonging, prosocial behaviour, empathy, congruence, authenticity should be included. Help in mutual relations reaches a higher level when it is implemented without expected recompense, returned help. In the survey, over 9096 of high-school students said that high-school teachers apply elements of trust, empathy, and gratitude in their teaching practice. Koni¢kova (2019) foreshadowed some of the applications and draws attention to their importance by changing the pupils’ approach to life. According to the results of the survey, almost 85% of high-school students understand the meaning of their education when teachers apply elements of positive psychology in the given area. They have developed metacognitive qualities: selfreflection, self-knowledge, and self-evaluation with critical thinking. They feel the meaning in the objective evaluation of knowledge by teachers and in the curiosity arising from real, illustrative practice, which positively helps them to use in-depth learning, which develops both the cognitive and conative domains of the student’s personality. Much more respondents from rural areas experience significant interpersonal relationships, but the importance of helping classmates, a certain sense of belonging, and prosocial behaviour prevail at a high level in both schools. They are looking at themselves, how they learn, what they do, how they live in society, and what kind of relationships they have with other people and what communication gives them meaning. A — Pupils’ success Satisfaction with own life We can say that success can be formulated into a satisfying life, within which the knowledge, qualities, skills, attitudes and opinions of an individual are accumulated. Based on their ideas, aspirations and experiences, students learn to create their life goals, when they experience a full-fledged peaceful life. The feeling of satisfaction from various achievements fills them vitally. According to Seligman (2014), successful performance consists of mastery, recognition, and winning just for the sake of achieving an objective, which is usually successful in itself. Addressed respondents know how to identify their success, which is manifested in their satisfaction with life, they know how to feel happiness and satisfaction when their small and large objectives are met with success and life flows according to their expectations. Up to two-thirds of the respondents confirmed their resourcefulness, independence, breakthrough, +64 +