+ Sayand determine reasonable demands on students’ behaviour, the most
important limits of behaviour for the education of students, get acquainted
with students, e.g. in the form of cards on the notice board.
+ The whole pedagogical team respects the demands, uniformly. Inconsis¬
tency causes outrage and lability in students.
¢ Claims are submitted pleasantly, but clearly and concisely.
+ Get to know students’ opinions. Focus on areas of motivation, classroom
work, teaching, activities and more.
+ The teacher should be a good example for students. Teachers follow the
behaviour they require from students.
During the creation of a positive climate, it is impossible to forget about the
demands of parents, because they rightly expect the school to create a climate
in which their child will feel safe and which will encourage him to learn (Pet¬
lak, 2006, 69-70).
The main indicator of a positive school climate is the subjective mental
well-being of the actors of secondary education in a supportive and construc¬
tive environment of secondary schools. Well-being, according to Seligman
(2012), is when all actors in high-school education feel good and, according to
Felcmanova, they also work comfortably at school. The author also added a
definition according to the Partnership for Education 2030+ program, in which
they defined a state of well-being for the Czech educational environment, i.e.
teachers, students and the general public: “Wellbeing is when I am excited that
morning is here...” (Felcemanovä, 2021, 1).
In schools, Felcmanovä (2021) recommends targeted measures for the pros¬
perity of a positive climate in both the teaching staff and high-school classes.
Feelings of fear, anxiety associated with education and non-acceptance in the
school group of adolescents will only have a negative effect on learning, the
results of students and their overall individual satisfaction with life.
According to Felcmanova, school teaching is at risk because one in five
educators suffers from burnout and consequently the quality of education
decreases, which does not meet the needs of students and, of course, the needs
of teachers. In line with the Partnership for Education 2030+ program, the
author recommends supporting well-being in education nationwide and de¬
termined five areas for the development of quality and satisfied living:
1. Physical — promotes safe healthy vitality, strength and energy, overall
physical health in the form of a healthy lifestyle, quality sleeping, physi¬
cal activity and favours a prosperous lifestyle in a healthy environment.
2. Cognitive — supports cognition, analysis of information, formation of
opinions in the form of critical thinking, problem-solving system or crea¬
tivity. It reflects its potential in motivation and aspirations.