According to Seligman (2014), it follows that personal satisfaction and good
mood suppress the anxious states of adolescents at school and support better
learning, which is the aim of the educational process.
According to Barrett (2010), by applying positive principles in an educational
institution such as a school, we are sure to elevate the school community from
the lower levels of consciousness. The first three are levels of needs and inter¬
ests, the fourth level is where personal needs and interests move towards the
needs and interests of other people, while the next three levels symbolize the
recognized values of the consciousness of the people based on which they live,
make decisions and act at the higher levels of consciousness.
Barrett identified with the seven levels of organizational consciousness of
a viable human community, whereby limiting any form of consciousness of a
given group of people leads to the inevitable disintegration. The author was
inspired by Maslow’s humanistic hierarchy of needs:
. to identify and ensure their living needs;
. to form satisfactory and orderly relations;
. to be able to keep what they have created - to be productive;
. to exceed their horizons through innovative research;
. to create a common culture, i.e. free value engagement in a collective
6. they benefit others because they are not alone, striving to create fair and
mutually beneficial partnerships to achieve aims that go beyond their
7. they fundamentally benefit the whole, i.e. they perceive the global good.
(Barrett, 2010; in Baranyai, 2016)
By applying the levels of organizational consciousness of a viable school, all
actors in the school world will gain a higher quality of life, leading to the
characteristics of a quality school with a culture that supports the well-being
of individuals and not only knowledge performance at the expense of indepen¬
dence, without a human perspective. If we want to implement and apply ele¬
ments of positive psychology in everyday educational practice within the school,
it is necessary to focus on a positive school and classroom climate, a positive
school culture as an institution, a safe school environment at the social but
also emotional level, strategies and didactic practices that support education
as a positive influence on the pupils’ teacher.
Ensuring the given conditions affects:
¢ pupils’ attendance at school,
¢ pupils’ attention,