2 POSITIVE EDUCATION Healthy school or programs to promote tolerance and reduce violence in and out of schools, develop emotional literacy, prosocial behaviour, the creativity of students and teachers and, of course, prevention programs like The way to emotional maturity, Say it clearly, Do not destroy your wise body, How do I know myself? and others (Durikovä, 2016). Happiness lesson (http://hodinastastia.sk/happy-school-qualification/), Eco-school (https://ekoskola.cz/cz), Green School (http://www.zelenaskola.sk/) and others. In the Czech Republic, according to Janstova and Slezackova, the mental state of pupils in jobs is respected (e.g. Man, Mares, 2005; Novotny, Kremenkovä, 2016; and others). They use the application of elements of positive education in the field of alternative forms of education, without programs and without changing the curriculum (JanStova, Slezackova, 2018). The application of positive education in real pedagogical practice requires an optimistic climate, and an optimistic view of the world and the life of the next generation, which requires the development of their competencies from the point of view of lifelong learning. Implementing a positive approach in the educational process requires ensuring an optimal, positive school environment. Schools as a space, as institutions with their internal processes, not only materially but also socio-emotionally. 35 ¢