POSITIVE EDUCATION — THE AXIOM OF CONTEMPORARY UPBRINGING AND EDUCATION best results were achieved by high-school students in life commitment and the worst in self-confidence. According to Radnöti, this fact is caused by the search for his own identity and distrust in his ability, but the author also mentions the possibility of poor communication in schools, when there is no discussion with the opportunity to express themselves openly on possible problems. Following orders, the students lost the opportunity to make their own decisions. Radnoti expects to find the weak use of positive evaluation when students stopped experiencing success in school and beyond (Radn6ti, 2017, in Gajdosova, 2018). Research conducted by Bittner showed that high-school students who achieved higher social and emotional health outcomes showed low levels of depression, bad mood, interpersonal suffering, and inefficiency, but more joy and self-confidence (Bittner, 2018; in GajdoSova, 2018). The positive impact of the programs was characterized by Seligman (2014) as a reduction of anxiety, depression, helplessness, problem behaviour, improvement of physical health, relaxation, love of learning, creativity, curiosity, empathy, cooperation, assertiveness, self-esteem, self-control, and resilience. The main elements of the studies are the strengths of the positive development of the adolescent and its impact on his socio-emotional health and empathy, and the young person shows positive emotions multiplied by prosocial behaviour and positive self-esteem, which brings a comfortable climate in joint activities for adolescents, thus improving social relations and learning outcomes. Over the years, the screening method will determine the development of quality indicators of school health of students and teachers in a good school (Furlong, et al., 2014, Furlong, 2015; in Petrulyté, Rimiené, Guogiené, 2019). Research findings have revealed that the model of socio-emotional health and strengths coincides with a high level of mental health, resilience and well-being. In Slovakia, they use the SEHS-S model in the research at Radnóti and Holbling secondary schools. In 2019-2020, they found a lower average overall level of social-emotional health, a high level of confidence and a medium level of engagement and self-confidence, but a strong relationship between the individual dimensions of the SEHS-S model and the well-being of highschool students — grammar school in Modra (Radnoti, Holbling, 2022) was confirmed. According to Larson, the dominant aim of youth development during education is to arouse the interest of adolescents in developing the complex abilities and skills needed to take responsibility for their lives (Larson, 2000; in Moore, 2021). In the conditions of the Slovak Republic, we find the application of elements of positive psychology in several programs such as: s 34 e