POSITIVE EDUCATION — THE AXIOM OF CONTEMPORARY UPBRINGING AND EDUCATION education for a strong character and life satisfaction. In education, the educational aim is egually strategic. Through their mutual harmonization, they will create the basis for the most favourable development of man and the whole community (Seligman, 2017; in Janstovä, Slezackovä, 2018). 2.3 POSITIVE EDUCATION AND UNDESIRABLE BEHAVIOURS The positive approach to education reflects the growing trend of bullying, aggression, various addictions, depression and mental problems among students and adolescents. Ihe results of the findings of the State School Inspectorate in the report on the state and level of education in schools and school facilities in the Slovak Republic in the school year 2019/2020 showed that [m]Jany of them did not feel safe in the school and classroom community. Bullied students and those who witnessed bullying did not seek protection and help from an educational counsellor or prevention coordinator. The schools did not sufficiently create an environment for the pupils in which they would feel confident and supported by the teachers and the class team, they did not have a fully created space for expression and discussion. Many were hampered by teachers’ lack of interest in their hobbies and leisure activities, as well as the behaviour of some teachers. They did not always perceive them as fair. (Stofkova, Dianovska et al., 2020, 8) The findings of the State School Inspectorate prove that bullying is widespread in Slovak schools, which affects the quality of teaching, pupils “learning”, and pupils’ activities. Through a distributed questionnaire completed by 383 grammar school students and 372 high-school students. The results show that every 13th high-school student was bullied, 21% of grammar school students and 27% of high-school students experienced bullying several times. 35% of grammar school students and 30% of high-school students would not have the courage to help bullied classmates against the aggressor (Stofkova, Dianovka et al., 2020). There are cases of anxiety, stress, and general discomfort in the students, which subsequently manifest themselves in the learning process through inattention, reduced motivation and worsened educational results. In addition to the worsened educational results, there are also educational difficulties — truancy, psychosomatic disorders, depression, etc. Depressed adolescents are less socially skilled, have no friends, feel repulsed and have many problems compared to healthy individuals of their age. Depression impairs memory and concentration in learning, entailing a deterioration in school performance. They are disgusted, and without energy and nothing brings them joy and enthusiasm, + 30 +