Positive education increases students’ school success and increases the qual¬
ity of life of students in the school environment and beyond. Based on findings
from research in Slovakia in 2005/2006, 2009/2010 and 2013/2014, the authors
Ceregnik and Ceregnikova (2018, 197-199) state that fifteen-year-old students
stop liking school.
Despite the positive subjective feeling with good results, they do not perceive
their study performance positively. They suffer from congestion, but feel much
more social support and empathy with their classmates. The authors found
above-average, even dangerous use of technological equipment by students
who do not like school. They recommend strengthening the social dimension
of education at school.
Zimbardo and Coulombova also share this opinion, pointing out the inter¬
dependence between unfulfilled real relationships, which include the relation¬
ship to school, and the refuge in technological substitutes of relationships
(Zimbardo, Coulombova, 2017).
The findings show that students lose their social skills and their socio¬
emotional health is also affected by depression, chaos and boredom. To confirm
the findings, Seligman gives a comparison with the situation 50 years earlier.
That time, depression began to manifest around the age of 30, and according
to extensive research, it now affects those around the age of fifteen (Seligman,
In the school year 2015/2016, Radnoti conducted research in Slovakia to
find out the current state of the social and emotional health of students in
secondary schools in connection with depression. In it, the counsellors stated
that the more depressed the students are, the lower their mental health, self¬
confidence, trust in the family, school, peers, commitment, optimism, and
gratitude are. Surprisingly, the author states that depression does not affect
empathy and self-control in high-school students (Radnôti, 2018).
And these types of findings lead psychologists to recommend the use of the
principles of positive psychology as a science in students’ lives. After all, it
meets all the requirements to become known to people worldwide, and it has
become a paradigm of current education.
According to Vavrikova (2017), a paradigm is a certain pattern or model of
thinking. Positive education represents an attitude towards education that
combines school learning, i.e. acquired intellectual knowledge and skills, with