POSITIVE EDUCATION — THE AXIOM OF CONTEMPORARY UPBRINGING AND EDUCATION non-coercive success of an individual has many forms through health, property, happy family, work, study, various victories and many others (Seligman, 2014, 28—33). Adolescent mental health is a prereguisite for effective learning (Hendren, Weisen, Orley, 1994) and, along with positive emotions during teaching, promotes creativity and flexible learning — Fredrickson (2001What helps highschool students achieve valuable goals and uplifting success or even well-being is striving to overcome obstacles and disappointments, acquiring skills and good academic results, which all lead young people to face the challenges and be competitive workforce (Sheldon et al., 2010). In this context, pedagogical staff attended training on effective feedback in adolescent education through the use of specific praise, focused on effort and perseverance, as opposed to praise focused on skills (Dweck, 2006). In today’s online digital age, high schools not only have the status of an institution for the provision of information and the acquisition of skills but also shape the overall personality of the young individual, in all areas of PERMA. In every area of PERMA, positive psychologists seek to intervene in the development and promotion of human characteristics based on research results. It is the results of Seligman’s research that have shown that the increased well-being of adolescents increases the quality of learning because a positive mood increases the attention and motivation of high-school students, which, according to Seligman, is the main aim of traditional education. In which analytical, mechanical learning without a creative area of reasoning still prevails. Seligman recommends practising elements of positive education in creating a school climate with his PERMA model. It develops self-knowledge in five principles: positive emotions, self-interest, interpersonal relationships, and the importance of living and fulfilling successes. According to Seligman, programs and inventions with the PERMA model are applied all over the world, in Britain, the USA, Spain, Australia and all over Europe (Seligman, 2012). Norrish, Williamson, O’Connor, and Robinson are the main characters in research from the positive psychologists’ movement, the results of which were implemented into programs and interventions. In each PERMA area, there is a holistic positive approach to school that includes explicit and implicit classroom learning throughout the school year, providing PERMA with a flexible framework for a thriving community in a positive school climate. According to Seligman’s theory of mental well-being, the object of positive psychology is to measure and strengthen: the “degree of optimal flourishing” of man in the global perception of people around the Earth. (Seligman, 2014, 40) +18 +