OCR Output


Problematic video gaming and gambling

. 1896 of the 9-11" grade students experience at least one frequent proble¬
matic video game use symptom. The prevalence of lifetime, past year,
and past month gambling among 9-11" grade students is 44%, about
35% and 17%, respectively. Problematic video gaming and gambling are
much more common among boys than among girls.

Medically attended injuries

- Almost 40% of students suffered at least once and 18% at least twice an
injury in the year preceding the questioning, that requires medical assis¬
tance. Boys are more affected in all age groups, and injury rates are
higher in the primary school age groups.

Sexual behaviour

- 45% of students in 9-11" grades have had a sexual relationship. Higher
proportions of students in higher grades have had a sexual relationship.
More than 25% of these students were 14 years of age or younger at the
time of their first sexual relationship. Students in 9 grade are most fre¬
quently 15 years old (43%), and students in 11" grade are most frequently
16 years old (32%) or 17 years old or older (33%) at the time of their first
sexual relationship. One fifth of students who had already had a sexual
relationship did not use any protection during their last intercourse. 53%
used condoms and approximately 10-10% used pills and both methods
during their last intercourse.