age group). Besides the internationally mandatory item package, several
international optional and country specific guestions were included.
The survey was performed with ethical approval of the Hungarian Medi¬
cal Scientific Council.
Data collection was conducted in the classrooms, using anonymous
online self-reported guestionnaires, and under the control of trained per¬
sonnel. The survey was performed in 331 classes of 193 schools in April¬
June 2022.
The data file, analysis, presentation
and interpretation of the results
Weighting was used to increase the validity of estimations. To correct for
the bias caused by the differences between the population and sample
distribution of certain socio-demographic characteristics, post-stratifica¬
tion weights have been created. Grade, geographical region, settlement
size, school maintainer, and school type were used as post-stratification
variables separately in each grade.
Data analyses were performed using IBM SPSS 28.0 software. Descriptive
results are presented in gender and grade breakdown. Gender and grade
differences were tested by using bivariate analyses (Chi-square tests,
independent sample t tests and ANOVAs). Trend analyses between 2002
and 2022 were done for several variables using previous HBSC data files
(95% confidence interval testing). Reliability of scales was tested by cal¬
culating Cronbach-alphas.