OCR Output


Ottova,V., Erhart, M., Vollebergh, W., Kokonyei, G., Morgan, A., Gobina, I., Jericek, H.,
Cavallo, F., Valimaa, R., Gaspar de Matos, M., Gaspar, T., Schnohr, C.W., Ra¬
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dual- and Macro-Level Social Determinants on Young Adolescents’ Psychosomatic
Complaints. Journal of Early Adolescence, 32(1), 126-158., https://doi.org/

Örkényi, Á. (2019). Családi kapcsolatok. In Á. Németh, D. Várnai (Eds.), Kamaszélet¬
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Perra, O., Fletcher, A., Bonell, C., Higgins, K. & McCrystal, P. (2012). School-related
predictors of smoking, drinking and drug use: evidence from the Belfast Youth
Development Study. Journal of Adolescence, 35(2), 315-324. https://doi.org/

Rossen, EF. V., Lucassen, M. FE, Fleming, T. M., Sheridan, J. & Denny, S. J. (2016). Ado¬
lescent gambling behaviour, a single latent construct and indicators of risk: findings
from a national survey of New Zealand high school students. Asian Journal of
Gambling Issues and Public Health, 6(1), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40405-016¬

Ryan, J., Roman, N. V. & Okwany, A. (2015). The effects of parental monitoring and
communication on adolescent substance use and risky sexual activity: A systematic
review. The Open Family Studies Journal, 7(1) 7-12. https://doi.org/10.2174/

Sanavi, F. S., Baghbanian, A., Shovey, M. F. & Ansari-Moghaddam, A. (2013). A study
on family communication pattern and parenting styles with quality of life in ado¬
lescent. The Journal ofthe Pakistan Medical Association, 63(11), 1393-1398. https://
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Sheeber, L., Hops, H., Alpert, A., Davis, B. & Andrews, J. (1997). Family support and
conflict: Prospective relations to adolescent depression. Journal of Abnormal Child
Psychology, 25(4), 333-344. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1025768504415/METRICS

Skeer, M. R., & Ballard, E. L. (2013). Are family meals as good for youth as we think
they are? A review of the literature on family meals as they pertain to adolescent
risk prevention. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 42(7), 943-963. https://doi.

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Torsheim, T. & Wold, B. (2001). School-related stress, support, and subjective health
complaints among early adolescents: a multilevel approach. Journal of Adolescence,
24(6), 701-713. https://doi.org/10.1006/jado.2001.0440

Várnai, D. (2019). Az iskola szerepe. In Á. Németh, D. Várnai (Eds.), Kamaszeletmöd
Magyarországon, (pp. 220-228). ELTE - PPK - LHarmattan.