OCR Output


Legard, Robin — Keegan, Jill — Ward, Kit
2003 In-depth interviews. In: Ritchie, Jane - Lewis, Jane (eds.): Qualitative
research practice: A guide for social science students and researchers.
London, Sage Publications Ltd. 138-169.
Lengyel György
1993 Multipozicionális gazdasági elit a két világháború között. Budapest, ELTE
Szociológiai Intézet.
Leonard, Madeleine
1998 Invisible Work, Invisible Workers, The Informal Economy in Europe and
the US. Hampshire — London, Macmillan.
Leontiyeva, Yana
2016 Ukrainians in the Czech Republic: On the Pathway from Temporary
Foreign Workers to One of the Largest Minority Groups. In: Fedyuk, Ole¬
na — Kindler, Marta (eds.): Ukrainian Migration to the European Union.
Cham Springer International Publishing. London, Springer. 133-149.
Lerman, Zvi — Brooks, Karen — Csaki, Csaba
1994 Land Reform and Farm Restructuring in Ukraine. World Bank Discussion
Paper. Washington DC., World Bank.
1995 Restructuring of traditional farms and new land relations in Ukraine.
Agricultural Economics, 13, 27-37.
Lerman, Zvi — Csaki, Csaba
1997 Land Reform in Ukraine: The First Five Years. World Bank Discussion
Paper. Washington DC, World Bank.
2000 Ukraine: Review of Farm Restructuring Experience. World Bank Discussion
Paper. Washington DC, World Bank.
Lerman, Zvi - Sedik, David - Pugachov, Nikolai - Goncharuk, Aleksandr
2007 Rethinking Agricultural Reform in Ukraine. Halle, IAMO.
Levi, Giovanni
2000 A mikrotörtenelemröl. In Sebök Marcell (szerk.): Történeti antropológia.
Módszertani írások és esettanulmänyok. Budapest, Replika Kör. 127-146.
Levi-Strauss, Claude
2001 Faj és történelem. Strukturális antropológia II. Budapest, Osiris Kiadó.
Li, Peter Ping
2007a Social tie, social capital, and social behavior: Toward an integrative model
of informal exchange. Asia Pacific Journal Manage, 24, 2, 227-246.
2007b Guanxi as the Chinese norm for personalized social capital: Toward an in¬
tegrated duality framework of informal exchange. In: Yeung, Henry W. (ed.):
Handbook of Research on Asian Business. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar. 62-83.
2008 Toward a geocentric framework of trust: An application to organizational
trust. Management and Organization Review. 4, 3, 413-439.
2011 Toward an integrative framework of indigenous research: The geocentric
implications of Yin-Yang Balance. Asia Pacific Journal of Management,
29, 4, 1-24.