Taylor, Drew Hayden. Me Artsy. Douglas & McIntyre, 2015.
———. Me Funny. Douglas & McIntyre, 2013.
———. Redskins, Tricksters and Puppy Stew. National Film Board of Canada, 2000.
Krisztina Kodo is currently full professor and Chair of the Department of
English Language and Literature at Kodolanyi Janos University, Budapest,
Hungary. She has an MA (1992) in English Studies and PhD (2002) in English
and American Literatures focusing on Canadian literature, culture and the
arts. Her two distinctive research areas focus on Irish Studies (multicultural
theatre, cultural identities, contemporary Irish theatre, Irish humour, mythol¬
ogy and storytelling) and Canadian Studies (multicultural identities, the
Northern myth, Native literatures and humour, contemporary Canadian drama
and poetry, regional literatures).