CHRIS KOSTOV is guite different: Canadian experience, regulated professions reguiring additional gualifications and exams in Canada, etc. Ihe Canadian climate is also underestimated by many immigrants until they face their first real Canadian winter. It must also be observed that Canadian authorities do not seem to be interested in attracting more Bulgarian immigrants because Canada has enough immigration applications from other countries and regions, especially from Asia. As a result, most probably, the number of Bulgarian immigrants reaching Canada will continue to be low in the next decades, in the range 300-500 and the EU countries will remain the preferred place for relocation for the majority of Bulgarian immigrants. BIBLIOGRAPHY ---, Census of Canada, 1941, Ottawa, Dominion Bureau of Statistics 1943. ---, Census of Canada, 1976, Population: Demographic Characteristics, Vol. 2, Ottawa, Statistics Canada, 1979. ---, Census of Canada, 1986, Language: Part I, Ottawa, Statistics Canada, 1987. ---, Census of Canada, 1991, Ihe Nation: Immigration and Citizenship, Ottawa, Statistics Canada, 1992. ---, Census of Canada, 1996, Census Profile of Federal Electoral Districts (1996 Representation): Age, Sex, Marital Status, Common-Law unions, Family Characteristics, Type of Dwelling and Household size, Immigration and Citizenship, and Languages, Ottawa, Statistics Canada, 1998. ---, Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Facts and Figures: Immigration Overview — Permanent and Temporary Residents, Ottawa, Government of Canada, 2005, 44. ---, Facts & Figures 2015: Immigration Overview — Permanent Residents — Annual IRCC Updates, Ottawa, IRCC, 2015. ---, Fiftieth Anniversary Sts. Cyril and Methody Macedono-Bulgarian Orthodox Cathedral: (1910-1960). Fiftieth Anniversary Jubilee Almanac, Toronto, Sts. Cyril and Methody Macedono-Bulgarian Orthodox Cathedral, 1960. ---, Immigration from Bulgaria (1954-1963); Library and Archives Canada (LAC), RG25, Vol. 6332, File 232-BE-40, Pt. 1. ---, ‘Threats against Bulgarian Residents in Canada and their Relatives in Bulgaria by the Government of Bulgaria,’ Library and Archives Canada (LAC), RG25, G2, Vol. 4392, File 11786-40, Pt. 1. ---, Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism, The Cultural Contribution of the Other Ethnic Groups-Book IV, Ottawa, Queen’s Printer, 1969. + 68 *