3. Playing video games in English with English subtitles.
4. Watching English speaking video bloggers using English subtitles.
5. Watching tutorial videos in English with English subtitles.
Hungarian subtitles use habits
1. Watching movies in English with Hungarian subtitles.
2. Watching series in English with Hungarian subtitles.
3. Playing video games in English with Hungarian subtitles.
4. Watching English speaking video bloggers using Hungarian subtitles.
5. Watching tutorial videos in English with Hungarian subtitles.
Please indicate on a scale from 1 to 5 to what extent you agree with the follow¬
ing statements.
1 (I absolutely disagree)
2 (I rather disagree)
I neither agree nor disagree)
I rather agree)
I completely agree)
In-school motivated learning behavior
1. I spend more time to preparing for English lessons at school than any other
2. lam happy to make an effort to get better grades in English lessons at school.
3. I will do my best to get good grades in English lessons at school.
4. I try to spend much time studying English.
Extramural motivated language use
1. 1 would still love to learn English even if I didn’t have English lessons at
2. I do several leisure time activities that require the knowledge of the English
3. I like using English in my free time.
4. I like going to places where I have to speak English with foreigners.
5. I like taking every opportunity outside of school to use English.
Extramural learning beliefs
1. [think I would become a better speaker if I use English a lot outside of school.
2. I am sure that my English vocabulary will be better if I do more leisure time
activities (e.g., movies, series, music, podcasts, etc.) in English.
3. I feel the more I encounter English in my free time, the more I understand
the different content in English.
4. I feel the more I use English in my free time, the better my English language
skills will be.