OCR Output


KRASHEN, D. Stephen: Explorations in language acquisition and use: The Taipei lectures,
Portsmouth, Heinemann, 2003.

KRASHEN, D. Stephen - LEE, Sy-Ying — Lao, Christy: Comprehensible and compelling: The
causes and effects of free voluntary reading, Santa Barbara, Libraries Unlimited, 2018.

KUPPENS, H. An: Incidental foreign language acquisition from media exposure, Learning,
Media and Technology, 35(1), 2010, 65-85, https://doi.org/10.1080/17439880903561876

KVALE, Steinar: Interviews: An introduction to qualitative research interviewing, Thousand
Oaks, Sage, 1996.

Laytat, Ádám: Hungarian EFL learners’ extramural contact with English, in Renata Geld
— Stela Letica Krevelj (eds.): UZRT 2018: Empirical studies in applied linguistics, Zagreb,
FF Press, 128-149, 2020.

LAM, Wan Shun Eva: L2 literacy and the design of self: A case study of a teenager writing
on the Internet, TESOL Quarterly, 34(3), 2000, 457-482, https://doi.org/10.2307/3587739

LAMB, Martin: Integrative motivation in a globalizing world, System, 32(1), 2004, 3-19,

LAMB, Martin: A self-system perspective on young adolescents’ motivation to learn English
in urban and rural settings, Language Learning, 62(4), 2012, 997-1023, https://doi.

LEE, Ju Seong: EFL students’ views of willingness to communicate in the extramural digi¬
tal context, Computer Assisted Language Learning, 32(7), 2019a, 692-712, https://doi.

LEE, Ju Seong: Quantity and diversity of informal digital learning of English, Language
Learning & Technology, 23(1), 2019b, 114-126, https://doi.org/10125/44675

LEE, Juhee - SCHALLERT, Diane L. - Kım, Eonsil: Effects of extensive reading and transla¬
tion activities on grammar knowledge and attitudes for EFL adolescents, System, 52,
2015, 38-50, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2015.04.016

LEow, P. Ronald: Attention, awareness, and foreign language behaviour, Language Learn¬
ing, 47(3), 1997, 467-505.

LEow, P. Ronald: Attention, awareness, and foreign language behaviour, Language Learn¬
ing, 51(1), 2001, 113-155, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-1770.2001.tb00016.x

LEow, P. Ronald: Implicit learning in SLA: Of processes and products, in Patrick Rebuschat
(ed.): Implicit and explicit learning of languages, Amsterdam, John Benjamins, 2015a,

LEow, P. Ronald: Explicit learning in the L2 classroom: A student-centered approach, New
York, Routledge, 2015b, https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315887074

Li, Juan: A systematic review of video games for second language acquisition, in Pamela M.
Sullivan — Jessica L. Lantz — Brian A. Sullivan (eds.): Handbook of research on integrat¬
ing digital technology with literacy pedagogies, Hershey, IGI Global, 2020, 472-499.

LIANDO, Nihta Vera — SAHETAPY, Ray Jusuf — Maru, Mister Gidion: English major students’
perceptions towards watching English movies in listening and speaking skills develop¬
ment, Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 5(6), 2018, 1-16, https://doi.

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