OCR Output

Chapter 6


This phase of the research investigated Hungarian EFL teachers’ perceptions
of (the benefits of) engaging in EE activities and of Hungarian EFL learners’
individual learner differences. In order to investigate Hungarian secondary
school EFL teachers’ perceptions, the following research questions were for¬

RQ3 What are Hungarian secondary school EFL teachers’ perceptions of
extramural English activities in EFL learning?

RQ5 What are Hungarian secondary school EFL teachers’ and students’
perceptions of EFL students’ various individual differences?

The research instrument used in this study was a questionnaire. In fact, the
student questionnaire used in Study Two was modified in a way that most
constructs investigating students’ in-class performance and behavior were
kept; however, the items were, to some extent, modified so that secondary
school EFL teachers’ perceptions of secondary school students could be exam¬
ined. The reason for including Study Three in the research project was moti¬
vated by the intention to investigate EE activities and learners’ individual
differences from different aspects and perspectives, which ultimately provides
an opportunity for data source triangulation, too. This design allowed for the
expansion of the findings of Study Two by another quantitative study and for
the comparison of the answers of secondary school EFL students and second¬
ary school EFL teachers. It is important to note that the participants of this
study, i.e., the Hungarian secondary school EFL teachers involved, do not
necessarily have a connection to the student participants of Study Two.


Study Three investigated Hungarian secondary school EFL teachers; alto¬
gether 60 participants (N=60) were recruited for the study, and the gender
distribution of participants was the following: 25% of the participants (n=15)
were male, and 75% of the participants (n=45) were female. The average age of
the participants was 41.95 years (SD=11.00), with the youngest being 23 and

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