OCR Output


Dörnyei (2019: 24) recently made an attempt to reconceptualize the Language
Learning Experience component of the L2 Motivational Self System, which
involved the aspect of “active participation and involvement” of learners in
certain behaviors. However, Csizér and Dornyei (2019) also reconceptualized
the Language Learning Experience again and added EE activities to the defi¬
nition as they play a significant role in describing learners’ L2 learning moti¬
vation. More recently, Mercer and Dörnyei (2020) have also considered student
engagement in the learning process as an important prerequisite for motivat¬
ed learning behavior. These changes in the definition were required, as other¬
wise, the original concept of Language Learning Experience could not have
been completely applicable in the context of the current research project, yet
further research may be required to investigate how EE activities could be
incorporated into the concept of Language Learning Experience in order to
better capture the essence of the concept.

Regarding the further closely-related variables affecting motivation are
concerned, the regression analysis results uncovered that intercultural orien¬
tation can be explained by five EE activities (see Table 31).

Table 31. Results of regression analysis regarding intercultural orientation

EE activities B SEB ß t
EE reading online .18 .05 .23* 3.47
EE paper-based reading .09 .05 .12* 1.96
EE watching online videos on YouTube .10 .04 .14* 2.62
EE chatting with others .07 .03 .13* 2.34
EE watching films and series .08 04 .12* 2.29
R? .29

F for change in R? 25.800

Note. B stands for regression coefficient. *p<.05
SE B - standard error associated with the coefficient
ß - standardized coefficient
R? — stands for the proportion of variance in the dependent variable explained
by the independent variables

These five EE activities turned out to be significant predictors of intercul¬
tural orientation at the p<.05 level of significance, explaining 29% of it.

In the case of intercultural orientation, of the five EE activities, YouTube,
chatting, and watching films and series may also be of particular interest
because, as Kormos and Csizér (2007) point out, Hungary being a predomi¬
nantly monolingual country, the most common type of contact with the target

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