STUDY Two invest into learning English. Sample item: “I spend more time preparing for English lessons at school than any other subject.’ 5.Extramural motivated language use (5 items): participants’ motivation to use English in extramural contexts. Sample item: “I would still love to learn English even if I didn’t have English lessons at school.” 6.Extramural learning beliefs (4 items): participants’ perceptions about EE activities improving their English language proficiency. Sample item: “I am sure that my English vocabulary will be better if I do more leisure-time activities (e.g., movies, series, music, podcasts, etc.) in English” 7.In-school EFL learning beliefs (4 items): participants’ perceptions about the benefits of EFL lessons at school contributing to their English language proficiency. Sample item: “My English vocabulary will be better if I regularly do all tasks in the English lessons” 8.Learners’ inclusion of EE interests into EFL lessons (5 items): participants’ willingness to include their own EE interests into EFL lessons at school. Sample item: “If I find an unknown word or expression while I am playing video games, watching movies, surfing the web, I usually ask my teacher what it means.” 9. Teachers’ inclusion of learners’ EE interests into EFL lessons (5 items): participants’ perceptions of the extent to which their EFL teachers are willing and open to include learners’ EE interests into EFL lessons at school. Sample item: “We usually read from English language books, newspapers, or magazines in English lessons at school.” 10. Teachers’ willingness to map learners’ EE interests (5 items): participants’ perceptions about the extent to which their EFL teachers are willing to explore learners’ EE interests. Sample item: “My English teacher usually inquires about what kind of music we listen to in English in our free time.” The aim of the third part of the questionnaire was to measure participants’ +9] +