OCR Output


the average age was 16.72 (SD=1.41). In terms of gender, 36.3% of the partici¬
pants (n=118) was male, and 63.7% of the participants (n=207) was female. As
for the different types of secondary school, 48.3% (n=157) attended grammar
school, 33.2% (n=108) attended secondary vocational school, and 18.5% (n=60)
went to vocational school. The different types of schools and the number of
students attending them are summarized in Table 9.

Table 9. The different types of secondary school participants attend

School type Number of students (n) |Percentage of students (%)
Grammar school 157 48.3%
Secondary vocational school 108 33.2%
Vocational school 60 18.5%

All participants learned English as a Foreign Language at school, and the
average time of learning English is 7.51 years (SD=2.84). On average, partici¬
pants had 4.29 (SD=1.79) EFL lessons at school a week, and the average of
grades they were given at the end of the year was 4.52 (SD=.65). As for the first
foreign languages (L2) participants learned at school, most students learned
English as their first foreign language (86.2%), 9.5% learned German, and only
a small proportion learned French and Spanish as their first foreign language
(4% and .3% respectively) (see Table 10).

Table 10. The different first and second foreign languages participants learn at school

| Number of students (n) | Percentage of students (%)

First foreign language (L2)

English 280 86.2
German 31 9.5
French 13 4.0
Spanish 1 3

Total 325 100

Second foreign language (L3)

Does not learn a second

foreign language at school 137 42.2
German 89 274
English 45 13.8
French 25 77
Spanish 15 16
Italian 8 25
Russian 6 18
Total 325 100

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