OCR Output

Research guestions

Which study helps
answer the RO?

RO1 What extramural English activities do Hungarian
secondary school EEL learners engage in?

Study One (Chapter 4)
Study Two (Chapter 5)

RQ2 What are Hungarian secondary school students’
perceptions of extramural English activities in EFL

Study Two (Chapter 5)
Study Three (Chapter 6)

RQ3 What are Hungarian secondary school EFL teachers’
perceptions of extramural English activities in EFL

Study Three (Chapter 6)

RQ4- How do extramural English activities affect Hungar¬
ian secondary school EFL learners’ various individ¬
ual learner differences?

RQ4.1 What characterizes Hungarian secondary school

students’ L2 learning motivation?

RQ4.2 What characterizes Hungarian secondary school

students’ L2 anxiety?

RQ4.3 What characterizes Hungarian secondary school

students’ L2 willingness to communicate?

Study Two (Chapter 5)

RQ5 What are Hungarian secondary school EFL teachers’
and students’ perceptions of EFL students’ various
individual differences?

Study Two (Chapter 5)
Study Three (Chapter 6)

RQ6 What impact do the various EE activities and various
individual differences have on Hungarian secondary
school students’ in-school motivated learning be¬
havior and extramural motivated language use?

Study Two (Chapter 5)

questionnaires (Study Three).

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